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2013 Annual Report to Congress

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This report to Congress may currently contain some broken hyperlinks. The Taxpayer Advocate Service recently migrated our website to a new digital platform and we are currently working to repair any hyperlinks that may have been affected by the migration. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Report Highlights

About the Report

The National Taxpayer Advocate’s (NTA) Annual Report to Congress creates a dialogue within the IRS and the highest levels of government to address taxpayers’ problems, protect taxpayers’ rights, and ease taxpayers’ burden.

About the Report
Most Serious Problems

The National Taxpayer Advocate's 2013 ARC Identifies the Most Serious Problems Facing Taxpayers Today

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“The requirement to pay taxes is generally the most significant burden a government imposes on its citizens. The National Taxpayer Advocate believes the government has a practical and moral obligation to make compliance as simple and painless as possible. Simply put, without a stable funding stream and adequate resources to invest in the future, the IRS will fall short of fulfilling its mission to serve the U.S. taxpayer. The overriding strategic goal for this system should be to increase and maintain voluntary compliance. All IRS activities should be designed to further that goal.”

- Nina Olson, National Taxpayer Advocate
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In her preface, the National Taxpayer Advocate outlines a path to strengthening tax administration and improving voluntary tax compliance, setting forth a vision for the IRS in the 21st century.

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