Tax News 12/21/2015 Nina Olson on the Taxpayer Bill of Rights (Tax Notes Live) National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson was interviewed by Tax Analysts reporter Bill Hoffman for Tax ...
Success Stories 11/19/2015 TAS Helps Taxpayer Receive EITC Two taxpayers claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) for the same dependents. This created a co...
NTA Blog 11/10/2015 Nina Olson Stands Up for Taxpayer Rights (Tax Analysts) In advance of the International Conference on Taxpayer Rights
Tax News 10/15/2015 Taxpayer Advocate Speaks on Taxes and Transparency Last week the National Taxpayer Advocate participated in a panel discussion sponsored by Tax Analyst...
NTA Blog 10/15/2015 Taxpayer Advocate Speaks on Taxes and Transparency Last week the National Taxpayer Advocate participated in a panel discussion sponsored by Tax Analyst...
Tax News 10/8/2015 Nina Olson: IRS recovers from dismal tax filing season (Federal News Radio) NTA Nina Olson was interviewed on the Federal Drive with Tom Temin about IRS customer service durin...
Success Stories 9/23/2015 Help for a Taxpayer Whose Brother Stole His Identity While a taxpayer was out of the country, his brother stole his identity and used his Social Security...
Success Stories 8/25/2015 TAS Abates Penalties due to Crash of USPS Truck The Taxpayer Advocate Service sometimes has to get creative when helping a taxpayer, as was the case...
Tax News 7/21/2015 Nina Olson: Reviewing one of the worst tax filing seasons ever (Federal News Rad... This morning, National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson joined host Tom Temin on Federal News Radio.