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Published:   |   Last Updated: February 8, 2024

TAS Abates Penalties due to Crash of USPS Truck

Every year, the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) helps thousands of people with tax problems. This story is only one of many examples of how TAS helps resolve taxpayer’s tax issues. All personal details are removed to protect the taxpayer’s privacy.



The Taxpayer Advocate Service sometimes has to get creative when helping a taxpayer, as was the case with a taxpayer whose return filing was delayed by a truck accident and IRS errors.

The taxpayer timely e-filed his return, but after the IRS’s systems rejected it, he was told to mail a paper copy instead. The taxpayer did so…but then the mail truck crashed, destroying the return. The taxpayer then mailed another copy of the return, but the IRS filed it using the incorrect year and charged the taxpayer late filing and late payment penalties.

TAS was able to prove the taxpayer’s return was on the truck, and using examples of other cases where there were accidents involving IRS documents succeeded in getting the penalties abated.

If you need information on a specific tax topic, visit the TAS Get Help resource. It offers a step-by step guide on what you can do to settle some IRS issues on your own, what your taxpayer rights are and other options available to help you get resolution. Most issues can be resolved directly by working with the IRS. However, if you have tried, but are still unable to resolve an IRS issue, learn more about whether TAS can help you: TAS eligibility.

When working with the Taxpayer Advocate Service, each individual or business taxpayer is assigned to an advocate who listens to the problem and helps the taxpayer understand what needs to be done to resolve their tax issue. TAS advocates will do everything they can to help taxpayers and work with them every step of the way. Occasionally we feature stories of taxpayers and advocates who work together to resolve complex tax issues. Read more TAS success stories.