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Published:   |   Last Updated: January 30, 2025

Refine and conduct Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) research to accurately target taxpayer community needs

Objective 16


To ensure communities with the greatest need for Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) services have access, the program’s definition of underserved communities looks beyond geographic coverage to factors that may impact the level of need in various locations. For example, the LITC Program Office is gathering and reviewing data to determine if low-income taxpayers in various geographic locations interact with the IRS at different rates. Clinics in some areas have reported a decrease in taxpayer contacts, whereas other clinics have seen increasing demands for service. Additionally, the LITC Program Office is conducting ongoing research to determine if certain geographic locations or groups of taxpayers experience higher rates of audit or other IRS interaction. Some groups of taxpayers, such as elderly or disabled taxpayers, those who live in rural areas, individuals with limited English proficiency, or those with other demographic characteristics may experience additional barriers to accessing services. The analysis of the research will help shape future recruitment, funding, and general service delivery strategies.





Expected Completion Date




Activity 1: Finalize the low-income taxpayer/IRS interaction dataset.

Activity 2: Determine whether the LITC Program can use additional datasets from the IRS and other agencies to further refine the definition of underserved or identify underserved communities. (Completed 12/31/2024)

Activity 3: Develop heat maps of different areas of the country and use them to identify potential partners and areas for more targeted recruitment.

Activity 4: Identify five localities of high need based on one or more characteristics described above.

Activity 5: Determine if the LITC Program has performed an equity assessment for any of the five identified areas. If not, develop an equity assessment plan for at least two of the identified areas to help identify and recruit organizations best equipped to deliver needed LITC services to the targeted areas.


Actions Completed

1st Quarter

TAS developed a dataset for low-income taxpayers and IRS interactions, and it’s now awaiting validation and feedback. Additionally, TAS explored whether incorporating additional datasets from the IRS and other agencies could help refine the definition of “underserved” or underserved communities. To enhance the analysis, we integrated Census data. We have completed this activity but may revisit it if there are requests for additional data.

TAS created heat maps of various areas across the country to identify potential partners and pinpoint regions for more targeted recruitment efforts.

Actions surrounding activities 4 and 5 are expected to begin pending the finalization of activities 1 and 3.


Next Steps

TAS will engage with stakeholders to gather feedback and incorporate their insights into the developed dataset.

TAS will update the heat maps after the dataset for low-income taxpayer and IRS interactions from activy 1 is finalized.