A taxpayer came to TAS because he owed taxes on his 2011 original tax return, but had filed amended returns for tax years 2011- 2013, which the IRS had never processed. The case advocate secured copies of the amended returns that claimed refunds for all three tax years. The taxpayer had a large amount of employee business expenses for all three tax periods. The case advocate reviewed the return and identified errors on his Form 2106, Employee Business Expenses. The case advocate discussed these errors at length with the taxpayer and agreed to explain them to his tax return preparer, so the preparer could complete corrected amended returns. The case advocate sent the updated amended returns, along with supporting documentation, including spreadsheets, bank statements, and a copy of the employer’s reimbursement policy to the IRS and requested the returns be processed. The IRS examined and accepted the information, resulting in significant refunds for the three-year period.