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Published:   |   Last Updated: August 27, 2024

Help us spread the news about our new Tax Reform Changes website

Is your business or association involved in helping others understand federal income taxes and the ramifications of changes to those laws each year?


If yes, we invite you to visit our new site and then help us spread the word about the Taxpayer Advocate Service’s Tax Reform Changes website.

Use the products below to post them to your website, link to them, use them in your social media or any other way that you are able.

What is the Tax Reform Changes website for?

It shows what changed under the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and what has not changed, in both English and Spanish. It even includes line by line explanations and scenarios to describe how the changes will be reflected on individual tax returns filed in early 2019.

Who should know about it?

It is beneficial to everyone who either files a tax return, helps others to file taxes, or who provide financial advice.

Products available for use



Public Service Announcements (PSA) and Audio Snippets

Tax Changes PSA (English w/ music, 44 secs)

Tax Changes PSA (English, no music, 41 secs)

Tax Changes PSA (English, w/ music, 30 secs)

Tax Changes PSA (English, no music, 30 secs)

Tax Reform PSA (Spanish, no music, 55 secs)

Tax Reform PSA (Spanish, w/ music, 55 secs)

Tax Reform PSA (Spanish, no music, 30 secs)
Suggested use: good sound bite to be used as a telephone “hold” message.


Web Banners/Graphics

Tax Reform Changes


Stand-alone graphics (Right-click/Save As)

Graphic with embedded website URL (Right-click/Save As)

Graphic with embedded website URL – Spanish (Right-click/Save As)



Flyer Doc

Flyer Doc (Spanish)


General Text & Social Media Content and Hashtags

General Info Doc

General Info Doc (Spanish)

Drop-in text and Social Media text doc

Drop-in text and Social Media text doc (Spanish)