In case you missed it, the IRS issued a statement on January 27, 2022 which discusses ‘ongoing efforts during the pandemic’ and outlines how it will be ‘implementing additional ways to help avoid confusion and provide important, meaningful relief’.
The statement goes on to say:
“These efforts include suspending issuance of certain automated notices and related actions” and gives the following example:
We have already decided to suspend notices in situations where we have credited taxpayers for payments but have no record of the tax return being filed. In many situations, the tax return may be part of our current paper tax inventory and simply hasn’t been processed. Stopping these letters — which could have otherwise been sent to thousands of taxpayers — will help avoid confusion.
It goes on to explain why some notices are required by law.
It also says;
“We are looking at the suggestions that have come in, and we will continue to modify and adjust our efforts going forward to help taxpayers and the tax community.”
“Since last year, we have been focused on numerous taxpayer-related issues and have pursued innovative ideas and processes not previously deployed by the IRS in an effort to get healthy and provide meaningful taxpayer services,” IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig said. “Our employees have worked hard, long hours during the pandemic to assist taxpayers and successfully modify our systems, despite lacking the funding that we need to adequately serve the American people. We appreciate the patience and understanding of everyone and the many expressions of appreciation for the efforts of our employees, who have continued to step forward while sharing the same health and safety concerns of others…”
You can read the full statement on IRS.gov.
In addition, you can read the Taxpayer Advocate’s 2021 Report to Congress, which also discusses the IRS’s efforts during the pandemic among other topics including, most serious problems encountered by taxpayers each year, most litigated issues, highlights of TAS Successes throughout the past year, and legislative recommendations to improve the tax laws.
To see other IRS statements, visit the IRS Statements and Announcements center.
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